The Board, the Decision
Makers and The Rules

Community Carrot Ltd is a Community Benefit Society run by a Board of Directors made up of a maximum of twelve people. The founding Board members will step down at the first AGM to be replaced by a new Board directly elected by the shareholders.

Contact the Board at:

Read the minutes from Board meetings here.

How can I be elected?

If you are over the age of 16 you can be elected to the Board, and every shareholder is entitled to cast a vote in that election. Under the rules a majority of shareholders and Board members must come from the Ward 7 area in East Lothian, ensuring the local community will always have effective control over the business. However, there is also a provision for co-option to the Board to fill any identified gaps in terms of skills and experience.

It should be stressed that while the elected Board will oversee the operation and development of the shop, there are appointed shop managers (answerable to the Board) with delegated powers to take day-to-day decisions, and shop staff will also be encouraged to take responsibility within the business as they do now.

Sense of Community

A sense of community ownership and input into decision making will be encouraged through regular newsletters, and members will be encouraged to volunteer - particularly in the area of deepening community connections.

Success Stories

This model is already familiar to local residents through Dunbar Community Bakery, also located on the High Street. Founded in 2009, the Bakery now has more than a thousand community shareholders and many volunteers.


Board members

Naomi Barnes (Secretary)
Julia Dorin (Acting Treasurer)
Tim Greene
Nathan Pike
Erica Wimbush